UV-5137S Polyurethane Acrylic for Waterborne UV Silver flake Coatings

UV-5137S is a UV/EB-curable waterborne polyurethane acrylic resin. The product exhibits good finger touch dryness (non-sticky after moisture evaporation and before UV curing) and excellent silver flake alignment properties, with exceptional adhesion to plastic substrates.

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Product Features

  • Low viscosity
  • Excellent tactile properties, low gloss
  • Fast curing speed, good adhesion
  • Outstanding durability
  • Excellent adhesion to various plastic substrates

Application Areas

Recommended for waterborne UV silver flake coatings.

Typical Physical Data

Semi-transparent to white liquid
Solid Content
Density (25℃)
1.10 g/cm3
<500 CPS
GB/T2794-2013 (Brookfield LV, 62#30rpm, 25℃)

Safety, Packaging, and Storage

1. This product is not classified as hazardous. Store indoors in the original, unopened, and undamaged containers at a temperature range of 4-30°C under dry conditions. Avoid direct sunlight and radiation sources while ensuring adequate ventilation. Avoid contact with strong acidic or alkaline substances.

2. Under the above storage conditions, the shelf life is 6 months from the production date.

3. Packaged in 50KG/120KG non-recycled plastic drums. After use, ensure the drum is tightly sealed if not completely empty.


The toxicological properties of this product have not been fully determined. Avoid contact with eyes, skin, and clothing. This product may cause skin and eye irritation and has the potential to trigger allergic reactions. After use, thoroughly clean equipment and maintain good ventilation with container lids closed.